
Please Report All Absences, Tardies, and Early Dismissals by House

 ** It is also important to notify the school nurse of any contagious diagnoses, (i.e. COVID-19, pertussis, chicken pox etc.) at 781-446- 6290 ext. 4503/4611

Main Office Phone Extension Shortcuts
Bradford House x1
Perrin House x2
Phillips House x3

From the WHS Student Handbook:


Please notify the school when your child will be absent and indicate whether it is due to illness or injury. Providing information about your child’s absence allows for the school nurses to track and trend illness in school and begin interventions should a pattern of illness develop.


Students should remain out of school for vomiting, diarrhea and or fever. Students receiving antibiotics for contagious conditions such as strep throat must remain out of school for the first 24 hours of antibiotic therapy.

Absence/Tardy/Dismissal Reporting